Lamb has always been a popular choice for families at Easter time, yet it is at its most tender during the summer months. This weekend, I wanted to share one of my favourite recipes – a Sunday Roast with lamb! Read on for some easy tips for preparing a tasty lamb dinner, perfect for anyone on the low FODMAP diet.
Lamb in moderation is a good source of protein and includes important nutrients like iron and vitamin B12.
Some people might worry about the fat content of lamb, however in moderation lamb is a great Sunday choice. To reduce the amount of fat on the product trim the visible fat before cooking.
Difficulty Rating: Low
Prep/Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Serves: 3 – 4 (depending on the size of the rack of lamb)
- Rack of lamb (2+ bones/person)
- 3 medium carrots
- 1 large head of broccoli (1 portion = 75g)
- Rosemary to garnish
For the gravy:
- 250ml homemade stock (recipe below)
- Meat juices from pan
- A splash of red wine (optional)
- A knob of butter
- 1 tablespoon of cornflour
- 20ml Water
Preparing the rack of lamb
- Preheat oven to 180 degrees (fan assisted)
- Using a sharp knife, carefully trim the outer fat. Some joints will have less fat than others and it is important to always keep a thin layer surrounding the meat. This will keep the meat juicy and tender during the cooking process.
Use a sharp knife to score the fat
- Using the same knife, crisscross the entire outer layer of fat. This will help to render out the fat during the cooking process, resulting in a thin and crispy layer of skin (tasty…!)
- Season the rack of lamb generously with salt and pepper. Most of this will be lost during the cooking process so don’t worry.
- Place the rack of lamb at an angle (thickest part of fat is face down), skin down on a cold pan set to a medium heat on the stovetop. No oil is added to the pan for cooking. You want to cook the lamb really slowly so the fat can render out. This usually would take 10 minutes.
- Remove lamb from the pan and place on a cooking tray, skin up and garnish with rosemary.
- Place in the oven for 18 minutes (this was for a 7 bone rack cooked to medium). The cooking time will depend on the size of the rack of lamb and how you like your lamb cooked. I think lamb tastes best cooked to medium – it’s at its most tender. If you prefer well done, keep it in the oven for a further 10 minutes.

Our rack of lamb cooked medium
Preparing the vegetables
The low FODMAP diet can be challenging and sometimes it is hard to know which foods are safe to eat. We have an easy to use food library in the FoodMarble app which can help you select foods that won’t trigger your symptoms. I love the flavour of carrots and broccoli, so I decided to serve these with the lamb. There are no detectable FODMAPs present in carrots and if you keep your serving size below 75g, broccoli should be well tolerated by most people with a sensitive gut.
- Wash and peel the carrots before cutting them into batons.
- Wash and peel the broccoli and cut into individual florets. The stalks of the broccoli can be removed for anyone who wants to avoid FOS completely.
- Add 1 tablespoon of oil per serving of vegetables to the pan, set at a medium heat. Oils are fats so they don’t contain any FODMAPs, so choose an oil that you like. I like to use vegetable oil so it won’t overpower the natural flavours of the vegetables.
- Place the carrots in the pan and gently toss every couple of minutes. This will help uniformly cover the carrots in oil, cooking them evenly. Allow them to cook for five minutes.
- Add the broccoli to the carrots, again gently tossing every couple of minutes. Allow them to cook for a further five minutes. We like our vegetables with a bit of a bite, but cook to your preference.

Carrots are a safe low FODMAP food, but keep your individual broccoli serving size under 75g to be safe!
Preparing the gravy
Who said being on a low FODMAP diet means you can’t have gravy? By taking advantage of the natural flavours of the meat juice, you can make a finger-licking good gravy, that everyone will love.
- Deglaze the pan by adding the red wine to the meat juice. Allow to reduce and simmer for 3 minutes.
- Add the homemade stock to the pan and continue to reduce over a medium heat.
- Dissolve the cornflour into a small volume of water, this will prevent any lumps forming.
- Add the cornflour and water to the sauce and mix gently to incorporate fully.
- Finish by adding the butter for flavour and richness.
Homemade stock
Shop bought stock usually contains onions and garlic, which is a huge problem for many people. A handy trick that I like to do is to make my own homemade stock. If you regularly buy a whole chicken, once you have removed all of the meat, simmer the carcass for two hours in a large pot filled with water.
You can also add low FODMAP vegetables, like the green tops of spring onions for extra flavour but just using the carcass will get you a very good homemade stock. You can use this for making white or brown stock.
White stock:
Once the stock has simmered for two hours, carefully sieve the liquid into a smaller container. You can freeze this stock for extended periods of time. It can be used as the base for lots of sauces and dishes. It is really handy to have it at the ready and it is low FODMAP.
Brown stock:
Alternatively, you can sieve the stock into a smaller pan and let it reduce on a medium heat, until it starts to turn a darker brown colour. Once the stock becomes thicker in consistency, it is ready. This stock has stronger flavour and is great for adding flavour to dishes. I usually freeze it in a small container.
You only need a small amount for dishes as it is bursting with flavour, so cut out what you need with a knife and put the rest back in the freezer, ready for future use, easy !
FoodMarble is a pocket-sized breath analysis device. It helps people with chronic digestive issues determine the foods that work best with their digestive system. To learn more about FoodMarble, visit