Plum pudding with brandy butter and whipped cream may be the finale of most traditional Christmas dinners but it is certainly not low FODMAP! As an alternative dessert our Christmas menu finishes with a chocolate and miso mousse that we like to think is equally indulgent. It is also dairy free, low FODMAP and can be prepared in advance.
The key to the mousse is using coconut cream instead of whipped cream or egg whites. It’s best to put the tinned coconut milk in the fridge a day before you’re making the mousse. This will ensure that the coconut cream will rise to the top and solidify. This can then be scooped out and whipped. Also, remember that this will only work with full-fat coconut milk.
Miso is a slightly unusual ingredient to use in a dessert but it goes really well with chocolate in small amounts. If you can’t get your hands on miso, you can put a couple of pinches of sea salt instead.
The trickiest part of this recipe is making the sesame brittle as it involves caramelising sugar. We like it because it adds texture and the sesame works really well with the chocolate and miso. It can also be made a couple of days in advance. If you would like to omit this element don’t worry the mousse will still taste great without it!

Chocolate and miso mousse with sesame brittle Recipe
Difficulty Rating: Medium
Direct Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Cooling Time: 2- 24 hours
Servings: 6
For the mousse:
180 grams dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
150 grams white mini-marshmallows
80ml hot water
2 tins of full fat coconut milk (refrigerated overnight) or 250 grams coconut cream
3 teaspoons white miso
For the brittle:
1 1/2 tablespoon white sesame seeds, toasted
1 1/2 tablespoon black sesame seeds
100g sugar
2 tablespoons of water
Pinch of salt
- Put the chocolate, marshmallows, miso and hot water into a saucepan and place on a low heat. Stir occasionally until the mixture is completely melted and smooth. Take off the heat and set aside to cool.
- While the chocolate is cooling make your whipped coconut cream. Scoop the solidified coconut cream out of each can, leaving the clear coconut water at the bottom (there should be about 250 grams of coconut cream). Put the coconut cream into a bowl and use and electric whisk to whip the coconut for 2 to 3 minutes. It should have the consistency of whipped cream.
- Once the chocolate has cooled to room temperature fold it into the whipped coconut. Briefly whip the mixture again and divide evenly between 6 serving glasses. Put these in the fridge to set (at least 1 to 2 hours but you can also refrigerate overnight to save time).
- Before making the brittle line a baking tray with greaseproof paper or baking parchment. To make the brittle put the sugar and water in a small saucepan and set over a medium heat. Don’t stir the sugar mixture to prevent it from crystallising. Allow the sugar mixture to simmer until it becomes a light amber colour.
- Add the black and white sesame seeds and immediately pour the mixture onto the lined baking tray. Lay another sheet of parchment on top of the mixture and use another tray or heavy saucepan to press it down.
- Leave to cool for about half an hour and then break the brittle into shards.

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