People sometimes get in touch to learn about how FoodMarble AIRE works and how the product can help them. They often share their stories of how they have used the device to unlock insights into their digestion.
The best way to answer some common product questions is to show how other people in similar situations have used the product. So, in this post, we’ve shared real user stories and FoodMarble reviews by customers to illustrate answers to some of the most common queries about FoodMarble. We hope you find it useful!
”Every once in a while, we see a piece of technology that we know can change lives
Andy Boxall, Digital Trends

In this post, our customers are answering the following questions through their reviews:
- What problems do people use FoodMarble for?
- How have people used the device and app to help them so far?
- How long does it take to get actionable results?
- Digestion is a complex system – what support can users get from FoodMarble?
- What are the top tips from existing users to get the most out of FoodMarble?
1. What problems do people use FoodMarble for?
For nearly 10 years I used to think that it didn’t matter what I ate
About 1-in-8 people suffer from regular digestive discomfort triggered by food. This includes issues like bloating and abdominal pain after eating, for example. Although these issues are not life threatening, they can have an incredibly negative impact on a person’s quality of life as it affects everything from their work to social life.
We’ve spoken with thousands of people who have been generous in sharing their stories with us. These real stories have helped us understand many different aspects of the problems people experience and how we can apply technology to help.
“all the experts came to the same conclusion, that I just have IBS and should avoid onions, which wasn't much help!... With this information [breath tests], and testing different foods, I find I can eat very small amounts of say for example onions, or mushrooms maybe every other day with careful planning of meals.”
Laura Moffatt

One of the most common struggles we hear from people is how difficult it can be to understand which foods trigger discomfort for them. After all, everybody’s digestion is unique. Some users have been dealing with digestive issues for decades, while others are just starting to explore the issue. Many have tried different approaches and seen lots of specialists, but pinpointing what is causing issues for them can feel like guesswork.
2. How has FoodMarble helped?
Confidence to try various foods in small quantities
– Christine Horne
FoodMarble is designed to help users understand how well they digest specific foods. Whether someone has been struggling with digestive issues for many years or it is a new problem, seeing real data about their digestion can be very powerful.
Here are some specific outcomes from users:
A common approach when dealing with digestive disruption is the FODMAP elimination diet. The FODMAP diet involves cutting out FODMAPs (certain commonly found carbohydrates that can trigger problems for some people) and reintroducing them, one at a time.
Many people notice an improvement in symptoms during the elimination phase of the FODMAP diet. However, a diet without FODMAPs is not healthy in the long-term and so reintroducing specific FODMAPs that your body can tolerate back into your diet is critical. But reintroduction is hard and can be accompanied with anxiety and uncertainty about which FODMAPs might trigger issues. By allowing users to test their response to different foods, many are finding more confidence in reintroducing foods and maintaining a more balanced diet as a result.

Laura’s FoodMarble AIRE next to her lovely lunch
While reintroducing high FODMAP foods, the in-app Food library can come in handy with information on the type and amount of each FODMAP present in a particular ingredient. By pairing this with your unique digestive data you can gradually find what levels of each FODMAP you can handle. So, like Laura you don’t have to eliminate foods based on hunches and you can enjoy foods which work for you (in moderation, if you are sensitive to them)
Top tip: when reintroducing FODMAPs after an elimination diet, be conscious of stacking. Stacking is when the impact of FODMAPs from previous meals stack up and result in a FODMAP quantity which might cause you discomfort. So a good idea would be to space these tests with a couple of low FODMAP days in the middle.
Four members from Tech Insider who struggle with digestive issues tried FoodMarble and made a lovely video about how it worked for them.
Many people in the FoodMarble community are innovative in experimenting with ways to improve their digestive health. An unexpected outcome of the product is how some users use the device to track the impact of different supplements and lifestyle changes in their digestive health.
3. How long does it take to get insights?
Realistically, the length of time you use the device for depends on your goals, and how often you log your foods and symptoms. Niamh (in the testimonial below) has been dealing with digestive issues for a very long time. She feels that her symptoms have dramatically reduced after she figured out which foods don’t suit her, in six months.
For others like Simina, who have gone through IBS for decades, finding just one intolerance within two weeks can make a huge difference.
Holly Dolke shares that she was able to figure out why she feels bloated when she had low FODMAP meals, in three weeks.
Top tip: To make things easier, you can use the FODMAP program, which allows you to test your response to individual food components (Lactose, Fructose, Sorbitol and Inulin). It allows you to test each food component in a controlled environment by following through a FODMAP challenge. This helps you to find whether you are sensitive to a FODMAP within a few hours.
4. Digestion is a complex system – what kind of support can I get in the process?
They have been so helpful and prompt in responding to my questions
-Matthew Ford
Digestion is a complex system and everybody’s experience is unique. The data users see with FoodMarble is the first dataset of its kind in the world. Users are tracking things that individuals have never been able to track before.
In order to help everyone get the most out of the product, we engage closely with any user who gets in touch. Usually companies try to limit the amount of customer queries they get from users, but we welcome it!
We take pride in trying our best to help everyone who gets in touch. If we can help, we will. If we can’t we’ll try to point you in the right direction.
* The AIRE Insiders group on Facebook is a private group for FoodMarble AIRE users to share feedback, ask questions, share tips and their experiences. It’s free to join for all users.
AIRE is constantly evolving to make the user experience easier and informative. We are always looking out for new features that can be added. When users have suggestions, we take them seriously.
Dan, one of our early users also mentioned that
“There are some things I would like to see included such as increased symptom tracking capabilities”
Since Dan left this review (and others wrote to us about the feature), symptom severity logging has been rolled out in the app. Now you can input the degree of discomfort caused by the symptom while previously you can only log that a symptom existed.This would help people easily identify the amount of discomfort caused due to a particular food.
5. Summary of tips from users:
Have patience and log everything
-Laura Moffatt
1. Take FODMAP challenges to fast track your digestive discovery
2. You don’t always have to eliminate a high FODMAP food completely
3. Test different foods in small quantities before you eliminate them
4. A long term low FODMAP diet isn’t advised
5. Be conscious of FODMAP stacking, multiple low FODMAP portions crossing your tolerance for that FODMAP ingredient
6. Particular food can remain in your system for 24 – 48 hours, take this into account when planning your meals
7. Log all your meals and symptoms for best results
8. Reach out to others in the AIRE insiders community or FoodMarble customer support for additional information
9. Be patient with yourself
10. Share feedback and suggestions for new features, as it will be listened to
Many of the user stories above have been taken from verified FoodMarble reviews left by our customers across a number of platforms. You can view the raw reviews on FoodMarble’s TrustPilot page.
FoodMarble AIRE is the world’s first personal hydrogen breath tester. It is a pocket-sized breath analysis device. It helps people with chronic digestive issues determine the foods that work best with their digestive system.
Read user reviews of FoodMarble AIRE on Trustpilot
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