A classic Carrot Loaf Cake recipe made low FODMAP with only a small few changes. This is the perfect cake to enjoy over the Easter holidays, or any time of...
Salad for lunch might not seem like the most exciting decision, but with a little bit of preparation you can make this tasty salad; full of flavour and texture, you'll...
Overnight oats are always a winner. They can be made in advance so are perfect for busy mornings or for when you’re preparing your low FODMAP meals in advance. Another...
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, loved for its aroma and flavour but also for its energising effects. We first started drinking coffee as early as...
Cranberry sauce is a great condiment to have on your dinner table, especially during the holiday season. While there are lots of options available at most supermarkets, some may have...
The festive season brings all kinds of treats, and one that many enjoy is mulled wine. If you’ve never made your own (or even if you have!), try out this...
Muhammara is a Middle Eastern dip made of roasted red peppers and walnuts. It’s the perfect addition to a mezze platter or as a party snack. It’s full of flavour...
For many, there’s nothing more delicious than enjoying a mince pie during the festive season. You’ll find them all over supermarkets, in restaurants and also many homemade varieties. Unfortunately, the...